Customers of Surrey Choices have been enjoying the chance to take part in a free 2-day outdoor team building course with Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development (SOLD). The confidence building activities have taken place at SOLD venues in Guildford, Dorking and Richmond.
Customers have taken up the challenge to work together as a team to learn the art of bushcraft, have a go at archery and attempt a low ropes course. All the activities are inclusive and designed to cater for a range of abilities and needs.
As the provider of the two day course, SOLD are committed to achieving positive personal development through outdoor experiences that challenge the mind and body. Through these outdoor experiences, they guide participants to discover more about themselves by learning and developing personal, social, emotional, physical and key skills.
This project has given the opportunity for 55 people from across all our services to really enjoyed themselves and try new things. We are excited to announce that we are looking to give this opportunity to a further 200 customers from Surrey Choices by the end of March 2017.
Comments from the Surrey Choices Guildford Community Group include:-
‘I loved doing archery and low ropes. When can I do it again please?’
‘I was a bit frightened at first but I walked on the low rope and felt proud of myself.’
‘I was brave. Ben and Patricia helped me and I did not fall. I want to do it again please.’
‘I loved being Robin Hood!’