Adult Safeguarding Week 2021
Positive Choices meetings take place online once a month. They bring together groups of people from different services across Surrey Choices to talk about different themes.
This week is Adult Safeguarding Week, and the theme today is all about Creating Safer Organisational Cultures.
In the most recent Positive Choices meeting chaired by Dexter James, he shared a presentation to the group about how different words can make you feel and shared an informative video about Hate crime. The video highlighted and how you can report a Hate crime to keep you safe, speak up and protect your peers.
The video and presentation started a conversation amongst the group, as they started to think about things they do to keep themselves safe and how colleagues have supported them to do this across the organisation.
David commented:
“In our advocacy group we think about things we can do to keep safe and we are able to talk to staff about it. The staff help us to speak up, and we are trying to encourage more people to speak up.“
Remember, you can keep up to date with all of our stories on social media: