Celebrating Success
The Celebrating Success Awards highlight the achievements of people supported by Surrey Choices. The judging panel was comprised of disabled people and colleagues from Surrey Choices. They were impressed by how each of the winners had overcome challenges, achieved new goals and were inspired by the way they demonstrated the values at Surrey Choices.
Working In Partnership with Communities
For the Working in Partnership with Communities award judges were looking for organisations that:
- Found new opportunities for people
- Share the same values
- Have made change and helped people we support to develop
- Promoted partnerships with Surrey Choices
The Nomination
Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development (SOLD) offer a wide range of team building activities and challenges that build people’s confidence and help everyone achieve their full potential.
An approved activity provider for The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, they support any young person to achieve personal excellence. That’s why Surrey Choices is partnering with them for its first Duke of Edinburgh Award residential trip.
The judges were impressed with their offering of outdoor experiences and outstanding accommodation tailored to the needs of people with disabilities. The judges recognised how colleagues working for Surrey Choices also benefit from the inclusive, positive, can-do attitude of the skilled professionals delivering these experiences.
The Impact
After winning the award the SOLD team said:
“What an absolute honour to receive and award from Surrey Choices”
Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development (SOLD) 2022 – YouTube
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