Our latest customer spotlight feature is on Lucy who attends Nexus Activity Centre. Read Lucy’s interview below to find out what her dream job would be, where her favourite place in the world is and more!
What are your favourite hobbies or interests?
I love painting and drawing, and I also enjoy baking and love taking home baked cakes into Nexus for everyone to enjoy
How would your friends and family describe you?
Happy, polite, friendly, caring, that I worry about other people a lot and I am easy to get on with
What is one thing you could not live without?
I would miss my mobile phone as it is my easiest way of communicating with friends and family
What would your dream job be?
I would love to set up and run my own Gluten Free Bakery, or to come and work at Nexus to support other customers
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I love visiting the Isle of White and going to The Needles as I love the views and all the different shops they have
Which actor or actress would play you in a film about your life?
I would of liked Julie Andrews to play me in her younger years
Which animal do you think you are most like, and why?
I am like a cat because I am soft and gentle, and love lots of cuddles!
What was the last gift you received?
My last special gift was receiving a printed framed version of my winning Reindeer Christmas card from the Surrey Choices Seasonal Six Competition last year!
Keep your eyes peeled for the next customer spotlight in July!