Colleagues from across the University of Surrey campus came together for their annual University of Surrey HR Awards ceremony.
The Surrey Choices EmployAbility service has been working alongside a wide range of organisations all over Surrey for a number of years now, providing businesses’ with a talented workforce whilst enabling students with learning disabilities to overcome employment barriers and succeed in their dream jobs.
Employment Works was set up at the University of Surrey to support EmployAbility students in finding a work placement around the University. This process prepares the student for paid work at the end of their 10 week placement in one of the many areas of employment at the University. Through a matching process, the Employment Support Specialist (ESS) from EmployAbility works with the student to find a job that is best suited to their needs, interests and skills. The ESS is on site throughout the placement to provide support to the students as well as the employer, if and when required.
Over the last eight years, over 70 young people have been supported into paid work after completing their Employment Works placement. Our EmployAbility team continue to work very closely with these individuals and at this present moment, seven of these young people are known to be in voluntary placements, and 30 of them remain in paid work.
The HR Awards ceremony took place on Thursday 23 May and Employment Works were delighted to have been awarded runner-up in the Equality and Diversity category of the evening. There were many positive comments and compliments received on the night about Employment Works.
Surrey Choices would like to say a huge well done to Employment Works and our colleagues in EmployAbility who continue to create, provide and support so many young talented students into finding the right job for them and their employer.