Expressing Emotion Through Music
Due to Russell’s disability, he is not able to use his vocal speech and uses a Lightwriter to aid him to voice his words. Russell wanted to improve his wellbeing and find other ways to express himself, so colleagues told Russell about Music Therapy.
Russell loved the idea of these classes. He began work experience with a music therapist via Zoom, exploring different apps and ways of expressing himself through music. He quickly decided that he would like to try writing and composing a song which he named ‘The Journey’.
Each week, Russell worked on a new part of the song starting with the lyrics, choosing which instruments sounded best, finding vocalists with the help of the music therapist, and then bringing the song together from start to end. Russell made all the decisions throughout the process of creating his song.
“The finished version is amazing. The power in Russ’ words and how he has created this song expresses so much emotion. He is inspiring. He had a true vision the whole way through and came up with lyrics effortlessly. Seeing the smile on his face when he heard the end result said it all. The biggest smile I have ever seen from him”
– Nikki Rutter, Senior Activity Facilitator
Listen to Russell’s song here:
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