Harry joined FlexiChoices towards the end of 2020 and became part of the Saturday support bubble at Fernleigh Activity Centre. Harry is a really active and social young man and wanted to learn some new life skills to continue living a healthy lifestyle.
In a few months he has already built excellent relationships with colleagues Wendy Baldwin, Mark McPherson and Marek Luszczynski who support him on a Saturday.
Harry has been supported to improve his decision making skills so that he can become more independent. Colleagues have helped Harry to create lunches, go shopping, and learn about money management.
Harry loves to be active and as part of his support he enjoys going out for a walk with Marek. Part of this experience includes Harry buying himself a drink and a treat, which has been another way of helping Harry learn about money management and making decisions around healthy food and drinks.
Harry has also learnt lots of new digital skills through FlexiChoices, which means he has been able to join in a variety of virtual sessions, attend Positive Choices meetings and meet other people we support during these online sessions.