Keeping fit and looking after the community
One of Richard’s first goals in his Person Centred Plan was to get outside more often, by going on walks to get fitter. Next, he wanted to learn more about the wildlife around him and ways he could keep the environment clean and safe.
Richard began going out on more walks in his local area, exploring different places and routes along canals and woodlands. Throughout these walks Richard noticed many different animals, their habitats and the litter that could be damaging their way of life.
Seeing all the rubbish and litter on the floor and in the canals really motivated Richard to make a difference. So on his next walk, Richard wore Personal Protective Equipment so he could safely pick up plastic and discarded masks to keep the environment safe for the animals.
Richard felt really happy about his achievements. Going out on long walks has made him work on his fitness and now he feels healthier. After doing his part for the environment by cleaning certain areas, this made Richard feel good for making a difference in his community.
His dad said “It is good that Richard is learning and enjoying the walks, if he is happy we are happy!
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