Growing knowledge and skills in the community
Colleagues Holly and Lily recently supported Rona, Philip, Alan and Claire to visit the Natural History Museum in London. They wanted to broaden their knowledge to learn more about the history of the world they live in.
Everyone got involved in planning the route to London, looking at train timetables, bus timetables, walking routes and expenses prior to the day. To help them understand what to expect, they researched the museum and watched videos of what was inside and what it looked like.
The group had been learning about the oceans and life below the water, so they were excited when they arrived at the museum to see a full-sized sized blue whale and other animals throughout the day.
“It made me very happy and excited to see all the animals that I have never seen before, and we learnt more about the undersea and the world around us” Rona
The day was a huge success for everyone. They learnt new facts and gained experience of planning various routes to London and back.
“They know more about our history, extinct animals and why they are extinct. They have a better understanding about how to plan a trip and what to expect.” Holly Manley, Activity Facilitator
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