Impact Report – Community Choices
Community Choices supports people within their local community and our community hubs to live the lives they choose. The Person Centred Plan for everyone who attends our services has now been reviewed, and as a result individuals now have more opportunities to be active citizens within their local communities. Inclusion is for everyone no matter where they start.
Elizabeth’s Story
Increasing independence
Elizabeth has thrived from being able to do more in the community. She has learned to organise her week, manage her money and travel independently. The range of life skills that Elizabeth has learnt will continue to help her through life.
New Ways of Working
Health and Wellbeing
Our health and wellbeing sessions have proved to be extremely popular. By making greater use of community venues, such as gyms, swimming pools and libraries, people have become more engaged in the areas where they live. Many have talked about increased levels of fitness, improved health, and a greater sense of wellbeing.
Independent Living and Life skills
Online cookery sessions have returned to being in-person. Individuals have become:
- more knowledgeable about healthy food options
- better able to select recipes and shop for ingredients
- more confident to make purchases and manage their money
Friends, Relationships and Community
Friendships have been formed with people who like doing the same things. An exciting observation is that as people see their friends taking part in something new, they too have wanted to explore those opportunities for themselves.
Employment, Volunteering and Vocational
Community Choices have been supporting people to learn skills to help them on their employment journeys such as volunteering at a local food bank.
40% Community Choices “Surrey Choices is doing a good job by improving people’s lives especially mine” Someone supported by Community Choices of all activities take place in a community setting
If you, or someone you know would like to know more you can contact us by emailing info@surreychoices.com or by calling 01483 806806.
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