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Our Individual Spotlight feature is on Oliver, who is supported through our EmployAbility service. Read his interview below to find out what he is really proud of, what he likes doing in his spare time and much more.
What three words would your family and friends use to describe you?
Proud, caring and funny.
What is something you are really proud of?
I am really proud of working at my local Coop. I have learnt lots of new things and always work hard.
How long have you been working with Surrey Choices?
I started in February this year.
What is something new you have tried this year?
This year I attended Summer Camp for the first time.
What is your favourite thing about work experience?
I like organising and putting away the food and wearing my uniform.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I play football, basketball, cricket, swimming, tennis and badminton – I really enjoy sports!
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