Over the past year, we have helped 900 people with autism or a learning, physical or sensory disability to find work placements through our Surrey Choices EmployAbility service.
The success of the service was celebrated recently at our Making a Difference awards where we highlighted what a difference being within a work environment can make to our customers lives. However, it’s not just our customers who have seen the advantages – some of the biggest employers in the country have benefitted from adding hard working, enthusiastic and skilled individuals to their teams.
Karcher Center JMS located in Betchworth is a Showroom style environment featuring both Professional and Home & Garden Products
Simon, who works at Karcher has been extremely supportive and accommodating of Hugo from day one. He gave Hugo working hours that fitted around his wheel-chair racing, as Hugo is training for 2020 Paralympics.
He told us:
“Although we appreciate being awarded for hiring Hugo, I don’t feel that it is deserved because working with him has benefitted us all.
Hugo is a pleasure, his confidence has grown since joining us and, in fact, he now tells me where I am going wrong.”