Short Breaks at Surrey Choices
Short Breaks are intended to have positive benefits for both the people we support and their Carers: those supported by our services have the opportunity to engage in enjoyable activities and socialise with others whilst Carers and siblings have the opportunity to relax, perform other tasks and spend time with family and friends.
At Surrey Choices we offer a range of Short Breaks options for both overnight and daytime support as we recognise that everybody has different support preferences and needs that can change at different stages of their life.
Our offers cater for:
- People with additional support needs living at home with their family or Carer
- Those whose family or Carer needs a break
- Emergency Short Breaks such as when a family member or full time Carer needs to stay in hospital or when circumstances change at home and more support is required
- People recovering from a stay in hospital who need additional support to successfully recuperate.
Short Breaks Banstead
Short Breaks Banstead is an overnight service based in Banstead, providing residential short breaks for both regular scheduled stays throughout the year, and block visits for a one off period or emergency. The property is wheelchair accessible throughout with six bright, modern bedrooms, and areas to relax in including a large sensory garden. Whilst staying at Short Breaks people are supported to develop independent living skills such as cooking and laundry, as well as to enjoy recreational activities such as swimming and bowling.
Shared Lives Short Breaks
Our Shared Lives Short Breaks service offers an overnight and daytime personalised service by welcoming young people and adults in need of support into a Shared Lives Carer’s home, family and community life. The person is matched with a paid Carer who has similar interests and who can meet the individuals care and support needs within their home setting. The support may also be provided as a Shared Dinner where a person can cook and eat together with a host at the hosts home.
Our Flexi-Choices service provides support during evenings and weekends, both in the community or within a Community Hub. The break may include activities such as meals out, swimming, cinema or museum trips etc. Support can be provided on a one to one basis for small groups, dependent on the individual’s needs assessment.
A recent study by Mencap noted the devastating impact on families that a lack of respite support options for people with learning disabilities can have. Caring for someone with additional needs is a full time job: without an appropriate break families report high levels of stress, depression, and isolation and many sacrifice their personal relationships and careers. A short break can lead to improved health and wellbeing (through improved sleep and time for relaxation), a feeling of freedom and liberation from responsibility, and the parents’ time to live as a couple and focus on other siblings or family members.
This is reflected in our customer surveys which consistently report high levels of satisfaction across all of our Short Breaks offers.
A parent of a young man attending overnight breaks at Short Breaks Banstead reported
“Our son has very complex needs and needs a lot of medication and care. We are 100% happy to leave him as are confident that that he is in good hands. The staff are very approachable, friendly and above all caring, and we are extremely grateful for the short breaks that we receive, it allows the family time to do the things that we can’t do with him”.
A young lady who received a Short Break with a Shared Lives carer whilst she recuperated from a hospital stay stated: “
The family were very good to me and I am so thankful to them for letting me stay. They supported me when I was not well and helped me recuperate. I was feeling a bit anxious, but they reassured me that I was going to be ok and that we will keep in touch.”
Parents of the young people attending our Saturday Flexi Choices reported:
“Flexichoices has been a lifeline for both (customer) and myself. (Support worker) managed to get him to leave the house and to visit the shop and go for a walk, and I got breathing space and a chance to talk to other mums with similar situations”.
“Flexi Choices is absolutely essential for us as a family. It is the only time during the entire week when we can spend time with our younger son. We can eat a relaxing lunch without having to feed (customer). We have the house to ourselves which is lovely and it’s the only time that we can do essential jobs such as decorating and cleaning, as well as having some family time. It is essential for our mental health. “
“The respite support that I have received from FlexiChoices has really helped my daughter and I spend time together, we have been able to do bits of shopping and go for some walks with the dogs. I feel that it has helped me mentally as well as I can relax knowing that I have not got to try and cope for the whole weekend on my own”.
A short break allows caregivers to rest and rejuvenate so they can return to their caregiving duties refreshed and ready to give their best. If you would like to find out more visit www.surreychoices.com. You you can contact us by emailing info@surreychoices.com or by calling 01483 806806