Markel 3rd Sector Care Awards
The Digitisers strategy started in July 2020 when we secured funding from the Community Foundation for Surrey and a donation of tablets from Business in the Community, and Project5.
Digitisers are Surrey Choices staff who have IT skills on top of their normal roles and want to help the people we support to use technology to reduce social isolation.
The Markel 3rd Sector Care Awards, reward the hard work, dedication, innovation and excellence of those working to make a positive difference to people’s lives.
We were finalists for the Technology Award based on the work of the Digitisers strategy.
This highlights the impact the Digitisers have made to the people we support. By the end of February 2021, 150 people we support have received IT kit. They are now online accessing Zoom sessions, seeing their friends and learning new skills which has helped reduce isolation during the pandemic.
Zoom sessions like Surrey Choices Job Clubs have moved online during the pandemic. With the help of Digitisers people we support have continued their learning to find internships, voluntary work and paid employment.
Remember, you can keep up to date with all of our stories on social media: