Over the past year, we have helped 900 people with autism or a learning, physical or sensory disability to find work placements through our Surrey Choices EmployAbility service.
The success of the service was celebrated recently at our Making a Difference awards where we highlighted what a difference being within a work environment can make to our customers lives. However, it’s not just our customers who have seen the advantages – some of the biggest employers in the country have benefitted from adding hard working, enthusiastic and skilled individuals to their teams.
Argos have always been on-board with employing people with disabilities and going the extra mile. They have been extremely supportive of Michael Smith. He’s worked there for two years now in various roles and recently took on the responsibility of Ebay collections. Michael has received numerous awards from Argos as a result of customer feedback surveys.
Argos is one of the UK’s leading digital retailers, offering more than 60,000 products and online and in-store.