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Person Centred Goals with Philip
In recent weeks, Philip has been encouraged to join online Zoom sessions so he can continue to see his friends and work towards his goals.
Before Lockdown Philip would rather sign than use his voice when he was attending centres for activities. One of his goals in his Person Centred Plan was to use his voice more often and to be more engaged with activities.
Surrey Choices colleague Hannah supported Philip to receive a tablet so he could take part online: “Philip seems a lot happier! He has improved his friendships across the Zoom calls by engaging with more people in the group. Staff are very impressed with how much he has participated, it is great to see him reaching his goals.” – Hannah Alcock, Activity Facilitator
Philip has been involved in Zoom sessions since the arrival of his tablet, and has been taking part consistently. Getting online has had a big impact on Philip, he is enjoying himself and connecting with people a lot more than before. Philip has also started to use his voice more than we have seen before. This shows that his independence and confidence is growing with each online Zoom call.
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