Positive Choices goes live
Earlier this month, over 60 people attended Surrey Choices first ever Choices Together Live, an event that was planned and delivered by six people who use our services to help disabled people learn about keeping safe and well in the community. People attended virtually and in person and came from seven different services.
The group worked together with the support of colleagues Phil and Nikki to organise the location, book speakers for the event and put together advertising and publicity for the event. They have worked together as a team, learning about working to deadlines, and how to plan big projects.
Everyone at the event shared how much they had enjoyed the day and were pleased to have the opportunity to speak to the Executive Team during a live Question and Answers session about questions, problems and achievements they wanted to share.
Surrey Choices Managing Director, Mette Le Jakobsen, and Board Member, Jane Earl, also attended the event. Jane shared “Thank you so much for the chance to join you all at this inspirational event.”
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