Recognise early soft signs, take observations, respond and escalate
RESTORE2mini Training – A FREE Course for Carers delivered by Surrey Choices to help you recognise when someone you care for may be unwell.
The course is 90 minutes and can be held online or in face-to-face workshops. They will be run daytime, evenings and weekends from June 2022.
Why should you take the training?
A 2020 report by Lives and Deaths of People with a Learning Disability and Autistic People (LeDeR) found that some causes of death in people with a learning disability were from conditions that could have been treated or prevented.
This course aims to reduce avoidable deaths by educating those who care for people to recognise the soft signs of deterioration when someone they care for may be unwell, and learn how to communicate with healthcare professionals so that they understand and can provide the help they need.
Course Review
I think the trainer delivered the course at a good pace and she didn’t just read the slides but added to them with her own words. I felt that if you were a family Carer, you would be able to use the training delivered to support you within your caring role. It was extremely informative and very useful. I think all of the content was necessary
Booking and more information
To book or to find out more information:
Call: 07704 347 037
Take a look at our leaflet here
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