The past 18 months have undoubtedly been one of the hardest in history for the entire adult social care workforce. March 17, 2022, saw the launch of the Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection. This day is dedicated to those working across the adult social care sector. Despite the huge pressures during the pandemic everyone working across social care continued to show incredible skill and tenacity in supporting those who need care across the UK.
To join in with the day we are sharing some our memories of lockdown.
Lots of people used their creativity to help with their mental wellbeing. We are Safe, We are Well was a poem written by Kaz Robinson and performed by Rosanna Marsh.
Key workers kept working throughout Lockdown. We interviewed Ross who was working at Royal Surrey Hospital. Find out what it meant to him to be a Key Worker and help people in need.
At the beginning of the Pandemic it was all about Hands, Face, Space. Toby used Makaton to explain to people how to stay safe.
Watch our lockdown playlist for more videos here
Take a look at The Care Workers Charity Memorial Wall and Thank You Wall, where you can leave a tribute to a lost loved one or say thank you to a colleague who worked hard during the pandemic.
Remember, you can keep up to date with all of our stories on social media: