Customers and staff at Surrey Choices walked away with four YES! (Youth Empowered Surrey) Awards this week in celebration of their achievements in the workplace.
The YES! Awards celebrate the achievements of young people who access the Surrey County Council SEND teams services and also the professionals who support them.
Three of Surrey Choices’ award wins went to Supported Internship customers, including Dennis, who worked at Fernleigh Day Centre, Christina at East Surrey Hospital, and Saskia, who completed a placement at University of Surrey.
Surrey Choices are one of Surrey County Council’s providers that deliver supported internships, a type of study programme specifically aimed at young people aged 16 to 24 who have an EHC (Education, Health and Care) plan, and want to move into employment and need extra support to do so.
Becky Grammel, the South Surrey Employment Service Coordinator from Surrey Choices, bagged a YES award for her commitment and support to finding young people employment.
Christina Earl, Senior Operations Manager for Surrey Choices, commented: “We are thrilled that Becky, Dennis, Saskia and Christina have been recognised for their commitment to their work.
“We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to flourish in the workplace, regardless of support needs, and it’s testament to these individuals that they’ve achieved a YES award for their hard work.”
Becky, added: “I strive everyday to find my customers the placements that utilise their skills and gives them the experience they need to move in to work. I’m delighted to be making a difference to the lives of those in my community and helping them to fulfil their dreams and ambitions.”
The YES! Awards are to celebrate the achievements of young people who access the Surrey County Council SEND teams services and also the professionals who support them. They are ‘keen to empower all young people who have made achievements despite their adversities, and believe they should be recognised and rewarded for overcoming challenges.’