Surrey Choices invests in young talent through the Government Kickstart Scheme
Surrey Choices is proud to be participating in the Government Kickstart Scheme. The scheme provides grant funding to help employers, like Surrey Choices, create high quality jobs for young people aged between 16-24 year old on Universal Credit.
Surrey Choices has created ten new roles that will provide each young person with the chance to build their confidence and skills in a real workplace environment. Roles have been created in frontline and back office services, so there is something for all sorts of young people. The contracts run for a period of six months at 25 hours a week.
As well as helping young people to improve their existing skills, each paid role includes training with the opportunity to try new tasks and build new skills. “Adding skills and work experience to young people’s CVs will make a huge difference to their prospects of finding work in the future” says Christina Earl, Head of Innovation and Business Development at Surrey Choices. Young people have been among the hardest hit during the pandemic and as a result are at the most risk of long term unemployment.
Young people on the Kickstart scheme within Surrey Choices are entitled to participate in all the workplace benefits schemes that other employees enjoy, such as shopping discounts and much more.
The roles Surrey Choices is offering cover a wide range of fields, so provide opportunities for most people in an area of interest to them.
For more information about our Kickstart job opportunities follow the link here and go to the bottom of the page.
All applicants will all need to be referred via Jobcentres. However if you would like to talk about any of the roles in more detail, please contact Christina Earl by telephone on 07860 918218 or email christina.earl@surreychoices.com).
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