Travel Training in the community
Ashley, Jane and Julie live in a similar area within Berkshire. They would like to be able to travel confidently to Camberley, so they can independently meet their friends or support worker to take part in community activities.
With the support of Surrey Choices’ colleague Terrilea Ryder, the group first began making a plan of how they could travel from their homes to Camberley. They all felt that going by bus was the best option for them. They looked into different routes to work out where they need to be and at what time to catch the right bus.
Once they had the first part of the trip sorted, they began looking at which bus stops in Camberley they might need to get off at. They also needed to work out timings and locations to get back on the bus at the end of the day to safely travel home.
Ashley, Jane and Julie were asked how they could remember if they were at the correct bus stop and catching the right bus, so they decided that landmarks along the way would be useful to them. They made a note of key landmarks from their homes, the journey to Camberley, and around Camberley to reassure themselves that they were going in the right direction.
Over the course of six weeks, they have been practicing the route, checking off the landmarks and becoming more familiar with where they are. The travel training planning and practicing has given them confidence with their journey to Camberley. They have even experienced some challenging situations where their bus broke down one day and not knowing where they were. They found these experiences very funny and dealt with them with great ease, continuing on with their journey and happy memories.
“The group are all very pleased with themselves since beginning Travel Training. I am really proud of Julie, Jane and Ashley, they are all doing great and I feel at the end of the six weeks they will all know how to get to Bracknell and back to Camberley on the bus independently.” – Terrilea Ryder, Activity Facilitator
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