Over the past year, we have helped 900 people with autism or a learning, physical or sensory disability to find work placements through our Surrey Choices EmployAbility service.
The success of the service was celebrated recently at our Making a Difference awards where we highlighted what a difference being within a work environment can make to our customers lives. However, it’s not just our customers who have seen the advantages – some of the biggest employers in the country have benefitted from adding hard working, enthusiastic and skilled individuals to their teams.
West Central, a coffee shop in Redhill, have helped develop Heather’s confidence and shown her a variety of skills. This is Heather’s first paid role and she had to adapt to lots of changes during her employment including moving into supported living and her mother moving countries, but she has stuck with her role and showed great dedication.
The team at West Central told us:
“West Central is delighted to be recognised for the work we do in the Community. We love Redhill and the people who work and play here so to have the chance to support local people through the work of Surrey Choices is great. We’re also grateful for the ongoing support we have received from Surrey Choices in making our work placements such a success.”