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We want to know about the care and support that you get from Surrey Choices. The feedback is to help Surrey Choices understand whether you are happy with the service provided or where improvements are needed.

The information will help Surrey Choices to celebrate positive feedback and identify opportunities to make improvements.

It is your choice if you would like to give feedback or not and as to whether you would like to leave your name or be confidential. Following the survey you may be asked some follow up questions by a phone call.

It is important for us to know exactly what is or is not working for us to make changes. Surrey Choices will collect the results from all of our services and analyse them to see if any action is needed.

You can email if you have any questions about the survey.

To complete the form below, click the purple Start button, type your name when asked and press enter. To respond to each question, click on the answer which will then lead you on to the next section.