Lucy wanted to improve her knowledge of healthy eating and cooking skills to lose weight. Moving away from microwave meals was important to Lucy in order to get all the good nutrients from fresh meals to help improve her health.
Lucy started off by taking part in a weekly cookery class through Digital Choices Live which helped build up her confidence. She now attends a range of Master chef-type classes held via Zoom by Nexus, Shared Lives, The Harbour and other supper clubs across Surrey Choices. Within the classes she has built new friendships whilst polishing her cooking skills.
“Lucy is now cooking more fresh meals than ever before. She plans her meals for the week ahead and in doing so, it has helped her to become more organised. She is having up to five fresh meals each week which is a huge difference to the daily microwave meals she had in the past.” Nikki Rutter, Senior Activity Facilitator
Lucy has some food intolerances which has made her meals in the past quite limited. She now researches new recipes that work for her diet using her iPad to look for alternative ingredients in meals she could not normally eat. “I feel happy that I am cooking more because it is something I love to do and now I have much more confidence. The only thing I don’t like is all the washing up afterwards. I wish I had a dishwasher!” – Lucy