Surrey Choices News – Issue 4
Welcome to Issue 4 of Surrey Choices News. Inside this newsletter you can find out all about what has been happening around Surrey Choices and the exciting things ahead for the people we support and our staff. Listen to the Newsletter You can now listen to the newsletter, read to you by Andrew and Melissa…
Surrey Choices News – Issue 3
Welcome to Issue 3 of Surrey Choices News. Inside this newsletter you can find out all about what has been happening around Surrey Choices and the exciting things ahead for the people we support and our staff. Please click here to read Issue 3. If you would like to receive Issue 4 in April 2021,…
Celebrating Co-Production Week 2020
People supported by The Farnham Community Group talked about ways they had helped others in the past, with one lady recalling the ways she and her mum helped homeless people by cooking them meals and giving them clothes. This sparked a year of fundraising, planning and delivered by people who attend the group. The end…
Surrey Choices News – Issue 2
Welcome to Issue 2 of Surrey Choices News. Inside this newsletter you can find out all about what has been happening around Surrey Choices and the exciting things ahead for the people we support and our staff. Did you miss our first newsletter in November 2019? Click here to see Issue 1 We hope you…