Case Study: Lee’s Journey Towards Independence and Fulfillment
Surrey Choices’ Vocational Projects service helps people with disabilities transition to meaningful volunteer and work placements. By building confidence, independence and employability, this service enables individuals to contribute their unique skills to the workforce, benefiting both them and the organisations they work with. Lee, a 38-year-old gentleman with Autism and Epilepsy, has thrived since…
Short Breaks: A Lifeline for Carers and Their Loved Ones
The journey of caring for a loved one with disabilities can be both rewarding and incredibly demanding. At Surrey Choices, we understand how tired family carers can sometimes feel. That’s why we have Short Breaks, a service designed to provide exceptional care for loved ones while giving carers much-needed respite. A Commitment to Quality…
Colleague Spotlight: Cheryl Knight
The Travel Trainer Making a Difference This month, we’re shining a spotlight on Travel Choices Manager, Cheryl Knight, who recently won the prestigious Care Worker of the Year award at the Surrey Care Awards. Cheryl’s innovative work with Travel Choices is transforming the lives of individuals with disabilities, empowering them to gain independence and explore…
Colleague Spotlight: Emma Phelan
Emma Phelan is a dedicated Employment Support Specialist at Surrey Choices, where she has been making a significant impact on the lives of individuals with neurodivergence, learning difficulties and mental health conditions. As part of the Work Wise IPS Programme, Emma can help even more people find suitable paid employment that aligns with their skills…
A Decade of Difference: Surrey Choices Celebrates 10 Years
Ten years. It’s a milestone that invites reflection, gratitude, and excitement for what lies ahead. For Surrey Choices, it’s a decade marked by extraordinary growth, innovation and most importantly, a profound impact on the lives we serve. When we first opened our doors, our services were primarily centred around traditional day centres and supported employment…
Advocacy workshops
Introducing New Positive Choices Advocacy Workshops We are excited to announce the launch of our new Positive Choices Advocacy Workshops. These meetings, previously held online, will now take place in a face-to-face format, providing a more interactive and engaging environment for all participants. The goal of these discussions is to offer a platform for individuals…