PREP (Personalised, Resilience and Engagement Programme) 

Surrey Choices offers a personalised, one to one programme based on individual support needs to help people to overcome barriers to work. This may include helping people to take small but significant steps towards personal goals, such as overcoming anxiety. 

This programme is designed for those who are not yet ready for Future Choices or Supported Internships 

The programme ranges from one to ten hours per week, which will be arranged around the individual and at their own pace working with a person’s SEND Case Worker to identify the support needed.

Personalised Engagement Plan

The programme supports people to overcome barriers and to improve their confidence at slower pace than other programmes by exploring work- related activities and building self-esteem. 

Mindful that young people may have been affected by anxiety, school refusal or other trauma, we work at the pace of the individual. Week by week we help to build resilience skills, re-engage with the world and become an active citizen.  

A personalised one-to-one engagement plan that helps a young person to: 

  • Rebuild confidence and self esteem 
  • Take responsibility for their health and wellbeing 
  • Take small but significant steps towards personal goals 
  • Become more socially connected 
  • Develop resilience skills 

How Does It Work

The aim is to promote community inclusion to improve young people’s health and wellbeing and facilitate journeys back into education or employment. Alternatively, individuals can move onto the Future Choices or Supported Internship programmes run by Surrey Choices. 

How it works 

  • The visits can be weekly or follow a more intensive schedule depending on the individual 
  • Success is not about the number of hours a young person attends, but what is achieved 

In between visits young people are given small actions to complete. Examples include:  

  • Cooking a family meal 
  • Researching interests 
  • Exercise goals 


K Benefits from PREP

Through his Personalised Resilience and Engagement Programme (PREP) K enrolled on a project with Volunteer it Yourself, which would engage him with other young adults working on a refurbishment project at Merstham Cricket Club. 

After receiving good feedback from the managers of the project, his confidence was boosted. He was engaging more with the outside world, and it helped reshape his thinking about what he wanted to do. K enjoyed the construction side of the work and wanted a job where he could experience a variety of trade tasks. 

K decided to use the time wisely to study for his Construction Certification (CSCS). Once he earns his certification, paid employment will hopefully be his next step.  

This demonstrates why the PREP work is key for some people when the road ahead isn’t clear for their employment journey. 

K overcame some of his demons, enjoyed meeting new people, and built on his trust issues. He received a City & Guilds accreditation for the Volunteer it Project and now has an idea of his future when it comes to a paid job. 

EmployAbility will continue to support K to source paid opportunities through our EmployAbility service.

For more information about our services call 01483 806806