Short Breaks

Short Breaks provides overnight stays for disabled and autistic adults.

Support options include:

  • Regular overnight stays throughout the year
  • Block stays for a set period
  • Emergency care and support for:
  • Those who are coming out of hospital and need additional support
  • When there is an incident at home and support cannot be provided e.g. someone has a fall
  • When circumstances change at home and more support is needed e.g. behavioural needs

Providing A Positive Experience

We support you to have a positive experience whilst providing breaks for family Carers. The Short Breaks service is just a short walk from the Banstead town centre with lots of amenities and attractions nearby. We have six bright, modern bedrooms, an accessible kitchen and bathrooms, and areas to relax in including a large sensory garden. The property is wheelchair accessible throughout.

Whilst staying at Short Breaks you could:

  • Develop independent living skills
  • Visit the local town
  • Enjoy activities and day trips e.g. swimming

Personalised Support Plan

Our staff are friendly and well trained to support different needs using person centred approaches. Before you stay with us, we will work with you and your family to create a personalised support plan based on your interests, goals and levels of support required. The Short Breaks service is registered and inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Surrey Choices works closely with CQC, Carers and the people supported to continually develop and improve services. Surrey Choices offers a range of other short breaks options including Shared Lives and Weekend and Evening Respite.



Jack’s mother contacted Surrey Choices to explore options for her to have a break from caring. Jack joined Short Breaks Banstead to give her respite and allow him to thrive without his mother’s support.

Jack gradually discovered the joys of participating in various activities. From swimming to going out in the car, he embraced new experiences and even became an expert at memorising routes and directing the driver! His transformation extended to his eating habits as well, as he ventured beyond his restricted diet, exploring new foods with newfound curiosity.

But the impact of his journey reached far beyond his own personal growth. The positive changes he experienced had a profound effect on his family. Jack’s mother was able to start applying for jobs due to these moments of respite. She found time for herself again which made her so happy, whilst knowing Jack was safe and enjoying himself

Jack – Celebrating Success Award Winner

Parents’ Quotes

“We are so grateful to have the services of Short Breaks in our lives. We know that our son is totally comfortable and happy when he stays, which enables us to have a bit of a break from our caring role. The staff are all so friendly and we know that if there are ever any problems, they will call us. We would be lost without them.”


“The Short Breaks service has been a lifesaver for our family. We have been able to spend quality time with our other son, which has made a big difference to our family.”


“I know that my chid really enjoys going to Short Breaks. They have been on plenty of trips out in the community which is great to hear.”

Find out how we can support you