Teaching the Elderly Sign Language

Disabled Adults visit Summers Nursing Home to teach elderly people sign language  Disabled Adults who attend Surrey Choices Nexus Activity Centre have had the exciting opportunity to work with Summers Nursing Home on two occasions in the last year. Since then, Nexus has planned to give regular workshops to the elderly people so they can…

Postcards of Kindness

Surrey Choices Camberley Community Group joined Postcards of Kindness back in September 2019 when it was discovered on Facebook, writing to elderly, lonely and disabled people all over the country has transformed the lives of everyone involved.  The Camberley Community Group initially joined the project out of curiosity to see what would happen and they…

Gender Pay Gap Reporting Statement 2020

Surrey Choices are an employer required by law to carry out Gender Pay Gap Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. The challenge across Great Britain is to eliminate any gender pay inequality: as an equal opportunities’ employer, Surrey Choices fully supports this initiative.

To meet reporting requirements, by 4 April 2020 we are publishing the results on our own website, and externally as required under the regulation. We will continue to carry out these calculations and publish the results annually.

Changing Days Update

Surrey Choices held a series of events at the end of 2019 to begin a conversation with each other about how the future could look for disabled people in Surrey and to collectively shape the vision of Changing Days. The events were open to disabled people, their families and Carers, and groups and organisations that work with Surrey…