What We Do

For more information about our services and activities simply call 01483 806806

Why Surrey Choices

Everyone at Surrey Choices has one main vision. That is to create a breadth of service and support that gives everyone with support needs in Surrey the chance to fulfil their potential and reach their goals.

About Surrey Choices

We provide a range of support services which are dedicated to improving the independence, confidence and life skills of disabled people, autistic people and those with other support needs, what ever their age, in the local community.

Social Corporate Responsibility

Surrey Choices supports a range of local and national charities. Our customers and staff hold fundraising events across the year to raise vital funds for charities of their choice.

Vision, Mission and Values

We put our customers at the heart of everything we do, inspiring and challenging them to learn, enjoy and achieve their goals.

Our Staff

We are very proud of our staff at Surrey Choices and their commitment to providing high quality care to our customers.

Our Customer Journey

Short Breaks

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Shared Lives

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Personal Assistance

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Employment and Community Support

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Getting Work Ready

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Surrey Choices offers a wide range of activities. These ensure that each person’s needs are supported and met in line with their Person Centred Plan.

Activities can take place in the community or at one of our Community Hubs across Surrey. Activities are designed to develop skills, confidence and independence for the people we support.

The type of activities we offer include:

  • creative sessions
  • leisure and sports fitness
  • horticulture
  • life-skills building
  • sensory activities
  • health and beauty

If you require further information, please get in touch.

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    Jason Turner
    happy customer