Alfie is supported by our Local Supported Employment service within EmployAbility. Read his interview below to find out what he is achieving with Surrey Choices and the impact it is having on his life.
What three words would your family and friends use to describe you?
Patient, dedicated and diligent.
How long have you been working with EmployAbility?
I started in December 2022.
What do you like about EmployAbility?
I like how it is helping people to achieve things they know they can achieve if only they have a bit of support
What is something new you have tried this year?
I am currently reading the Greek Gods Hesiod Theognis.
What is something you are really proud of?
Getting my job at Wetherspoons as a Kitchen Assistant. First I need to complete my training courses and I am very excited to start working.
How has EmployAbility helped you?
They have helped me improve my CV, apply for jobs and attend interviews. Now I have been able to secure a job!
What do you like doing in your free time?
I like reading, gardening and gaming.
Alfie amazed me at his interview with how thorough and prepared he was. I am really proud of what he has achieved.” – Janet Creighton, Employment Support Specialist
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