Surrey Choices are proud to be supporting Dignity Action Day 2018 on February 1st, a day ensuring people who use care services are treated with dignity, and are given choice, independence and control in their daily lives.
In 2006 the Dignity in Care campaign launched with the aim of improving the quality of care and the experience of people using services including NHS hospitals, community services, care homes and home support services.
As a social care provider, we fully understand the importance of delivering high-quality care services whether this is for people who need community support, supported employment, training and skills for independence and enhanced home living. Our customers are always treated as individuals and receive the best support they need to live their lives.
A team of fully-trained, kind-hearted staff can make all the difference to a person’s quality of life and we believe it is of the utmost importance to safeguard the ability for a person to live independently, and have access to a breadth of services and support that gives every person the chance to fulfil their potential and reach their goals.
At Surrey Choices, we support those with learning, and physical disabilities, sensory needs, people on the autistic spectrum and those with mental health and well-being challenges. Our objective is to enable every person the chance to fulfil their potential and reach their goals through enjoying, learning and achieving.
For more information about the care services we offer visit our care services page here