Cheryl Wins Bright Ideas Award
Last month Surrey Choices celebrated staff across the organisation at the Recognising You: Colleague Awards at The Gorse Hill Hotel in Woking. Colleagues, friends, and Surrey Choices Board Members came together to recognise this year’s winners.
Colleague Awards
Recognising You: Surrey Choices Colleague Awards 2022 are to celebrate outstanding practice and achievements by Surrey Choices colleagues, and to acknowledge those who are dedicated and committed to making a difference to the people that Surrey Choices support. The awards highlighted those who have demonstrated outstanding qualities, embed Core Values into their work and provide inspiration to others daily. The judging is done against set criteria, by colleagues and a panel of disabled people.
Bright Ideas Award
This category is to recognise colleagues who have demonstrated creativity and innovation in their work. Award winner Cheryl was nominated due to her creativity to improve the lives of people. Cheryl took on the role of leading Travel Choices when it was a failing project with very few referrals, but her determination has seen referrals triple alongside a high satisfaction rating from families. She has come up with creative ways to support young people travelling independently and keeping them engaged whilst ensuring people are happy and safe. Cheryl researches every journey and looks at ways to break down any barriers that may stop people from travelling. Her perseverance recently paid off and a sheltered bus stop was reinstated closer to someone’s home meaning they did not have to walk along a dangerous road without a pavement to get to get the bus to college.
Take a look at what Cheryl’s colleagues have said about her here:
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