At Surrey Choices we are on a mission to create new opportunities for disabled and autistic people to live healthy and independent lives in their communities.
Nicola’s Journey
Before the coronavirus pandemic Nicola Wood, one of the people we support, visited our centres four days a week. Nicola would take part in activity sessions, where she would learn a range of new skills as well as seeing all her friends.
Throughout both lockdowns Nicola kept safe at home. She would create artwork and would be frequently visited by her Key Worker.
During those visits Nicola would discuss what activities she would like to do and trips she would like to take in the community when it is safe to do so.
With the support of her Key Worker, Nicola now volunteers two days a week at The Salvation Army and has many responsibilities. Nicola has leant how to sort out all the donations, clean the clothes safely and work on the shop floor.
Travel Training
Over the last few months Nicola has been travel training so she can get to and from work independently. This has made her become more confident and she can now travel home from work on her own.
Getting online
This year our Digitisers programme has supported over 100 people to get online to see family, friends and access our virtual session in the face of a pandemic. With the support of her Key Worker and her family Nicola was able to get online and access virtual sessions.
Remember, you can keep up to date with all of our stories on social media: