An art exhibition celebrating diversity will go on show in a Sunbury-upon-Thames gallery next week.
Work being exhibited in the show, which is being held at Sunbury Embroidery Gallery, has been created by talented people attending Nexus.
Nexus, in Green Street, is run by Surrey Choices, and provides specialist support and activities for a range of people.
The service offers a range of activities including cooking, exercise classes, IT skills, aromatherapy and cycling.
Creative members of its art group, which meets three times a week, have produced the diverse work that will be on display.
The exhibition will feature sand art and traditional oil paintings alongside the Wisely Exhibition, which includes pictures, pottery and 3D art inspired by a Surrey Choices visit to the Royal Horticultural Society garden at Wistley, in Woking.
Samantha Howlett said: “We approached the gallery to host the exhibition as we wanted not only for the art to be seen by as many people as possible, but also to show people what we do here at Nexus. We wanted to highlight the diversity of what we do – and also to showcase the diverse talents of the people we support.
“People attending our art and craft group get a great deal of self-confidence, pride and satisfaction from producing their own artwork. It can be very therapeutic and it’s also a lot of fun.
“Everyone here is really excited about seeing their art on display – it is giving people a real buzz,” Mark Phillips
Bryan Aldridge who has attended the Nexus art group for 6 years, said he was looking forward to seeing his work on display.
“It makes me feel proud and I hope people are inspired by our art work,” he said.
The exhibition will run at the Sunbury Embroidery Gallery, in Themes Street, from Tuesday February 3 to Sunday March 1 and entry is free. For more information visit www.sunburyembroidery.org.uk