Celebrating our 10th anniversary! (Press release)
The Growth Team have been working to help preserve the Ancient Yew Trees at Newlands Corner.
The project began when The Surrey Hills hired local countryside contractors to install a 50M long boardwalk that takes people up close to several of these magnificent trees. The Yew Tree is the centrepiece of the enchanting trail at The Albury Downs.
Several members of the Growth Team helped finish the construction of the boardwalk. The Chief Executive of The Forestry Commission, Sir William Worsley, attended an opening event on 29 November. All the different partners who have contributed to this important project was in attendance.
Geoff, of Treecosystems, is a tree and soil health expert visited the group on site every couple of months.
He said “Thank you all for the super work that the team have done, there all amazing, thank you all “
As well as working on the boardwalk, the team put up natural boundary’s around twenty Yew Trees.
To do this, they collected Hawthorn twigs from a local farm. To make posts, they harvested and sharpened Birch stakes. After driving the posts into the ground, they filled the Hawthorn twigs between the posts. This deters people from walking amongst the trees and compressing the soil. This is one of the reasons he trees are in decline.
Mathew said:
I love these beautiful trees and it is important for us to help them
Darren said: I love driving up there through the forest and all of the good stuff people say about what we do
The rest of the team said: I enjoy this work and the constant positive feedback from the public is great.
You can learn more about the Growth Team here, or get in touch to find out more.
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