Using new equipment at Woking Leisure Centre
With the re-opening of Woking Leisure Centre, Philip has been desperate to get back to spending time with his friends and improving his fitness in the community. Spending time with his peers enables him to be himself and also encourages him to grow in confidence.
At the beginning of the month Philip attended Woking Leisure Centre, and as well as doing his usual floor based exercises, he decided to use three new pieces of exercise equipment.
Initially, Philip was adamant that he would not like to try any of the equipment. However with a little encouragement and making it into a fun game, he finally took the plunge and as you can see from the photograph he had a wonderful time.
After using the equipment for the first time Philip has continued to make use of the different apparatus and facilities freely with his friends.
Philip received praise from Surrey Choices, Woking Leisure Centre Staff and also from his peers, all of which had a positive impact on his self-esteem.
Philip’s Father saw some of the photos from the leisure centre and was delighted with the outcomes: “What marvellous pictures, Tokyo here we come! He really seems to be enjoying himself there now, but we do know he’s very glad to be back.”
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