Exercising to improve your health and wellbeing
Working together with Surrey Choices colleague Helen Stanley, Andrew has a new goal, which is to start going out more in his community. He has decided he wants to see his girlfriend more often now the restrictions have lifted, to stay fit and healthy with exercise and to build on skills he already has.
After discussing with Andrew, Helen and a mutual friend who has a well trained dog named Barney, met up in Guildford to go on a long walk for some exercise. Andrew appeared quite shy at first but he soon relaxed. After a few minutes he was offered Barney’s lead and he was happy to take responsibility for the dog on their 45 minute walk around the park.
The change in Andrew’s demeanour was wonderful to see. He was chatty and confident, stepping out and enjoying the fresh air. He was also enjoying the reassurance Helen was giving him that he was handling the dog really well and Barney clearly liked him. As a result of the walk Andrew now wants to do this regularly.
He said “I felt proud of himself for looking after and training Barney.”
Barney’s owner, who came along with us, was most impressed by Andrew. She said “Let’s do this again soon.”
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