Lawn Bowls in the Community
With the changes to how we are delivering support, Surrey Choices colleagues and the people we support have been motivated to look at the local area with fresh eyes and discover what is on offer. At The Harbour, people wanted to learn a new sport, be outside in the fresh air and join in with community activities.
As a group they decided that they wanted to try out Lawn Bowls at the local club to get some exercise and focus on their health and wellbeing. In the past the group has enjoyed bowling indoors at the local sports centre. They already have some skills which has made it easier for them to transition into playing bowls.
We used pictures of people playing bowls for Sophie who has additional communication needs. From this she was able to understand what she was going to be doing. This really helped her, she went along and loved it and asked to go again.
Surrey Choices colleague, Paula Blackman said:
“It was a really successful afternoon and so nice to see how the group how progressed just in the time we were there.”
The Greens bowls club have also kindly offered us one of their experienced players who voluntarily joins us and gives us guidance and instruction on how to improve our game.
The outcome so far has been that the group really enjoyed their first session and are really looking forward to going again.
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