Surrey Choices supports community fun day in Redhill
Staff and people we support were excited to join many other community organisations on Saturday 4 September for the Cromwell Community Fun Day. In excess of 350 people turned up.
Many families from the Cromwell estate also dropped into our Longmead Community Hub for free ice cream and family-friendly activities. Lots of children enjoyed running around the empty car park looking for soft toys. Each held the answers to a treasure hunt quiz question informing people about disability or the work of Surrey Choices. All participants were rewarded with a sweet treat (or fresh fruit) and one lucky winner from the draw of correct answers, checked by Nicola, received a USB portable speaker.
Matthew, Nick and Rachel from the Growth Team, one of Surrey Choices vocational projects, spent the day encouraging people to propagate Spider plants to take home. The Growth Team also provided prizes of compost or gardening time for some of the winners of the Cromwell in Bloom competition.
One of the highlights of the afternoon was to have the Autism All Stars join us. Although Surrey Choices was promoting its current job vacancies, the Superheroes were too busy to take up any of our job opportunities. Fortunately, other people showed more interest in a career in social care!
“A key reason for the relocation of the hub to Longmead is to enable people supported by Surrey Choices to get more involved in their communities,” said Jerry Ratcliff, Chief Operating Officer at Surrey Choices: “so, it was fantastic to be able to chat with our neighbours and we look forward to more community engagement over the coming months.”
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