Supporting Children in Need across the county

Services from around Surrey came together to support the BBC Children in Need Appeal 2014. Super heroes from Woking Disability Resource Centre took on a 60 mile cycling challenge to raise money to support disadvantaged children in the UK. Participants used adapted electric static motorised THERA-Trainers bikes, which enable everyone, whatever their ability, to take part either by pedalling…

Bike Shop Funding Secured

Funding has been secured to open the Sheerwater Bike Shop for two additional days a week which will provide work experience in retail, admin and bike mechanics. The successful partnership between Surrey Choices EmployAbility and the Guildford Bike Project will support disabled residents to learn skills and receive support to find work. Any disabled job seekers who live in…

Seated Volleyball Club

Seated Volleyball posterSeated Volleyball starts on Thursday 20 November and a free session is available for all beginners!

The sessions are coached by Ashcombe Volleyball Club based at the Ashcombe School in Dorking. They run on Thursdays, 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

Click the poster to see more details.